FILE/M [multi filepopup help="If no file is specified, asl will popup.*nVIDEOCD - Open VideoCD disk*nKeys control:*nESC - Quit*n+ / - - Zoom movie in / out*nO - Open new MPEG file*nSPACE - Play/Pause movie*nENTER - Eject Movie (Open new MPEG file)"]
MODEBYNAME/K [sm help="This parameter let you select screenmode by passing its name."]
MODEID/K [can cc "0x00021000" "0x00029004" "0x00011000" "0x00019004" "0x40c20050" "0x40c20051" help="specify modeid for SCREEN or FULLSCREEN.*nthis can be either*ndecimal value (ie. 123456) or hexadecimal value (ie. 0x123abc)*nHexadecimal valume can be passed as 0xnumber or $number.*n*ebPredefine 0x0002.... - PAL, 0x0001.... - NTSC, other - CGX"]
PUBSCREEN/K [pubscreenpopup help="Specify pubscreen name to open window on.*nDefault to open on Workbench. ie. PUBSCREEN DOPUS.1*nDo not use with SCREEN option. user either*nPUBSCREEN or SCREEN (or FULLSCREEN)."]
DISPLAY/K [can cc "PPM" "P96" "P96GREY" "VLAYERPM2" "VLAYERPM2GREY" "VLAYER" "VLAYERGREY" "GREY" "FILE" "?" help="specify dither method. by default Frogger will use color dithering*nFILE, PPM - Store images in IFF or PPM files*nVLAYER... use cgxvideo.library."]
ADECODER/K [can cc "SW" "DELFINA" "MELODY" "AIFF" "?" help="Select what type of audio decoder you wont to use. available modes*nSW - (default) software audio decoder*nDELFINA - use delfmpeg.device*nMELODY - use melodympeg.device*nAIFF - save audio in AIFF (requires sndfile.library)*n? - small notes on all available decoder modes."]
VCDDEVICE/K [can cc "blizzppc.device" "2nd.scsi.device" "cd.device" "atapi.device" "scsi.device" "123.device" "cybppc.device" "1230scsi.device" help="Specifies device to use for direct reading videocd disk. *nDefault is atapi.device"]
VCDUNIT/K [can cc "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" help="Unit, on which you got your cd drive connected to Amiga. *nDefault 1."]
AUDIOQUALITY/K [can cc "LOW" "MEDIUM" "HIGH" help="Controls output audio quality, if mpega.lib is used (68k)"]
SUBTITLE/K [filepopup]
FPS/N [max=200 help="limit fps. default to use frame rate from stream, any number to limit fps."]
AHIUNIT/N [max=3 help="Let you specify AHI unit used for audio playing. Default is 0."]
SIZEX/N [max=2000 help="Set output width in pixels. Default is from stream. *nWorks only in windowed mode so far."]
SIZEY/N [max=2000 help="Set output height in pixels. Default is from stream. *nWorks only in windowed mode so far."]
SCALE/N [max=1000 help="Set output scale in percentage. default is of course 100. *nWorks only in windowed mode so far. *nThis options overrides SIZEX and SIZEY."]
VOLUME/N [max=64 help="Sets initial volume for audio decoding. should be beetwen 0 and 64.*nVolume can be also controlled during playback using '[' and ']' keys."]
STARTFROM/N [max=650000000 help="Lets your specify byte, from which frogger should start decoding*nmpeg file. May not work with some mpegs files, which contains*nonly one sequence header code at the begining of file."]
STOPAT/N [max=650000000 help="Stop frogger at certain byte. works with ALL mpegs."]
FREQDIV/N [max=4 help="Controls output frequency division in 68k version (when mpega.lib is used)"]
PLAY/C [cc "WINDOW" "SCREEN" "FULLSCREEN" help="Play MPEG in window (WB or screen) or fulscreen*nWindowed mode control:*nRAmiga + Q - Quit. *nRAmiga + 1 - Set size to 50 %.*nRAmiga + 2 - Set size to 100 %.*nRAmiga + 3 - Set size to 200 %.*nRAmiga + 4 - Set size to screen size.*nRAmiga + O - Open new MPEG file."]
NOAUDIO/S [help="Turn audio off in files that have got audio track. By default*nFrogger will try to find if there is audio track available,*nand will decode audio if audio was found."]
VERBOSE/S [help="turn on warning and other messages printing. default off."]
DEPTH/C [cc " " "DEPTH 16" "DEPTH 24" "DEPTH 32" "DEPTH 8" "DEPTH 15" help="This parametter is used to specify depth for bestmodeid() function (def 16)*nDO NOT USE ON AGA!"]
NOVIDEO/S [help="Disables displaying of decoded frames. It means that video is*nactually decompressed, output UYV is converted to user requested*nformat (grey, RGB, CLUT), but the output is not displayed on*nscreen or window. It may be used to measure how much time Frogger*nspents in display function, or to see how slow AGA is ;)."]
LOOP/S [help="Loops animation."]
COLORKEY/S [help="Using this option let other windows overlap frogger overlayered windows*nIT DOES NOT WORK ON BVISIONPPC/CVISIONPPC"]
NOSKIP/S [help="By default, Frogger skips some frames (if needed) to achieve*nframe rate from stream. NOSKIP will force Frogger to display*nall frames, without skipping."]
PSXCD/S [help="If you want to watch PSX movies directly from PSX cd, you have to use*nthis option. Unfortunally the auto recognition routines that was*nincluded in previous release doesn't worked, thats why this option*nhas been added."]
OVERSCAN/S [help="Works on AGA only. If used, Frogger will open screen with overscan,*nif movie resolution is bigger that selected screen resolution.*nBy default output will be scaled to fit screen size. With OVERSCAN*nopened screen will have the same size as mpeg, and can be scrolled*nwith mouse."]
SMREQ/S [help="Frogger now uses bestmodeid function to find out what screen should*nbe opened for you. If you think you can do it better, use SMREQ, and*nthen asl requester will pop up."]